The Impact of Trade Barriers and Countermeasures
Huang Chaofan

Infiltration with Rock Permeability Coefficients for Subgrade Design
Lies Kurniawati Wulandari, Kustamar, Nanik Astuti R, Masrurotul Ajiza, Eko Usman Ali

A New Mixture of Gamma Shape Distributions: Properties and Applications
M. S. Shama

Legal Position for Electronic Money Owners in Non-Cash Payment Transactions
Chairuni Nasution

Design of Arduino Based Smart Bag
Adeniran, P.O., Adejumobi C.A., Basiru Q.

Effect of Some Land Preparation and Sowing Methods on Wheat Production in the Lower Terraces of Northern State of Sudan (Dongola area)
Mohamed H. Dahab, Mergani Salih S. Ahmed, Omer A. Abdalla

Safety Riding Behavior among Students in Bekasi, Indonesia
Irawan, Suripno, Muh Kadarisman, Prasadja Ricardianto, Susanty Handayani, Prima Widiyanto, Heri Subagyo

Digitalization as a Purpose and a Means of Ensuring the Efficiency of Inclusive Education
Ryndak V.G., Saldaeva O.V.

Productivity and Profitability of Latiraj Kachu (Colocasia esculenta) to Promote Cultivation Practices in Dug Well Schemes at Joypurhat
Sumanta K. Basak, Niloy Basak

On the Effect of Blocking in Randomized Block Design: An application to Competition of Soybeans Varieties against Weeds
ONU Obineke Henry, NELSON Maxwell, AMAKURO Okuata Avula