Peer Learning: an Overview
Dr. W.K.D Keerthirathne

Analysis of the Prasedimentation Buildings Performance on BOD and COD Levels at Siwalan Panji Sidoarjo Water Treatment Plant
Maria Mustika Ningrum, Kustamar, Hery Setyobudiarso, Maranatha Wijayaningtyas

Effectiveness Test of Sunkist Orange Peel Ethanol Extract (Citrus Sinensis L. Osbeck) on the Growth of Candida Albicans Mushrooms as a Cause of Fluor Albus a Woman
Yolanda Eliza Putri Lubis, Widya Pasca Amir

An Effect of Reliability and Empathy Patient Satisfaction on Hospital Haji Medan
Rilli Kurniawan Zega, Sri Lestari Ramadhani Nasution, Ali Napiah Nasution, Ermi Girsang

The Design of Filtration System Using Coconut Shell Charcoal for Domestic Wastewater Purification
Lies Kurniawati Wulandari, Sudirman Indra, Munasih, Vega Aditama

Determining the Calculated Length of Wooden Columns, Taking Into Account the Elastic Pliability of the Support Nodes
Makhmatkulov Turdimurod, Turdimurodov Jasur Ilxomovich

Characteristics Study of Some Sudanese Origin Natural Gums Prepared for Food Processing
Mamoun Omer Abdelgadir, Hassan Ali Mudawi

Factors Influencing of Pastoralist Perceptions towards Wildlife Conservation in Borana National Park, Southern, Ethiopia
Jarso Qanchoro, Roba Jiso, Kanchora Guyo, Hadis Tadele

Design of Virtual Microscope System using Wavelet Transform
Seokhyang Cho

Facilities Management in Public Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria
Philemon Usman GIDANMANA