Publication for Volume 9 Issue 1 is in-process …

Building Resilient Microservices with Kubernetes and Istio
Diana Kutsa

The Space Development Study of Former Zinfuku Inari Okami Shrine
Kao-Feng Yarn, Wen-Bin Lin

Cultivating Middle School Students’ Mathematical Modeling Ability under Problem-driven Mode
Qian Hao, Jun He, Jie Zheng

Application of Learning Media for Assembling Personal Computer Based on Adobe Flash CS6 at SMK Negeri 2 Takalar
Andi Nurqamal Ady Putra, Muh. Fadhil Supriadi, Andi Gagah Purnama

Employee Performance Appraisal Systems and Its Effects on Performance in Selected Commercial Banks of Solwezi District, Zambia
Kukano, C; Thole T

The Impacts of Restrictions on Cross-Border Data Transfers and Policy Recommendations for Nations
Huong Quan Do, Lam Anh Le, Diep Anh Nguyen

Developing Highly Resilient Architecture for Critical Systems to Mitigate Operational Risks
Raoul Hira

Chemical Characterization of Pectic Heteropolissaccharide Extracted from Babassu Mesocarp Flour
Cleber do Amaral Mafessoni Liviz, Jaine Oliveira, Gisele Teixeira de Souza Sora1, Ladyslene Chrístyns de Paula, Maria Carolina Bezerra Di Medeiros Leal, Gabrieli Oliveira-Folador

Adaptive Resource Allocation Algorithms in Cloud Computing Systems
Kuzevanov Igor

The Influence of Psychological Safety and Coping Strategies on Subjective Well-being Among Relocated Students
Jinjin Li, Huihui Ke